We accept work mainly from trades looking to subcontract the experts, but we also welcome work from other sources. At Holecutters NI we can accomplish for you all aspects of diamond core drilling in Northern Ireland, Ireland, including, though by no means limited to:
- Drilling penetrations (e.g ventilation ducts) – This involves drilling holes for Ventilation ducts, gas flues, electrical cables waste pipes. Any size from 10mm to 1m.
- Stitch drilling (e.g. creating openings for cable trays) – This method of drilling is used when the size or shape of the hole is abnormal. It is achieved by drilling a series of holes to create the required opening.
- Angular drilling (e.g. for the installation of gas pipes) – This involves drilling holes at particular angles to accommodate the service required.
- Percussive drilling (e.g. for starter bars etc) – This involves the use of percussion/ hammer drill to allow for the insertion of starter bars etc.
- Broaching (e.g. for pipes through steel beam) – This involves cutting through steel plate or steel beams up tp 65mm diameter.
Contact us now to arrange a free quote and site visit – 077 8440 1112 or email us info@holecuttersni.co.uk
- Core Being Drilling In Floor
- 6 Inch Core Holes From Below
- Drilling Rig
- Gas Vent With Grill